Year 2023


Panel discussion with selected representatives of the Czech and Slovak agile scene on the topic: The future of agility.

We are preparing a panel discussion on the topic of The future of agility, which will be attended by significant guests from the Czech and Slovak agile scene. This discussion will provide an opportunity to gain not only an overview of the previous development of agility and the most common barriers in agile transformations, but also an overview of the latest directions and developments in the agile world.


The following individuals have accepted our invitation to participate in the panel discussion: Zuzana “Zuzi” Šochová, Karel Smutný and Michal Donát, whom we have selected as representatives of the Czech and Slovak agile scene this year. They will share their experiences, observations, thoughts, and visions on how agility will shape the future of work, company management, and innovation.


The discussion will be moderated by Rastislav Duriš and Šimon Vlachynský, who will ensure a lively and interactive debate between the panelists and the audience via Slido.We hope to create an environment for collaboration, where everyone can share their knowledge and experience and contribute to the promotion of agile approaches throughout the community.

Zuzana „Zuzi“ Šochová

Zuzi works as an Agile Coach, Agile Methods Trainer, and Certified Scrum Trainer with over twenty years of experience in the IT field.
She believes that with the help of good Agile leadership, companies can build a more satisfying environment and achieve success.
She is the author of the books The Great Scrum Master: #ScrumMasterWay (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)) and The Agile Leader (Addison-Wesley, 2020) published in the USA, the author of the #ScrumMasterWay concept, and co-author of the book Agile Project Management Methods published in the Czech Republic by Computer Press.

Karel Smutný

Karel is a consultant for agile transformations and organizational design, a Scrum trainer, and a programmer. Over more than 13 years, he has collaborated with dozens of organizations, ranging from startups to established technology companies and multinational corporations. He has made an impact on nearly a hundred teams and thus draws from very rich experience. Karel focuses on “decalcifying” (simplifying) organizations, building team accountability and technical excellence. As a long-time developer, he emphasizes sustainable architecture, readable code, and automation.

Michal Donát

Michal has been working for more than 22 years in software development, including more than 12 years in companies taking advantage of Scrum and Large-Scale Scrum. He specializes in working with the system as a whole to make it work so organization meet its goals in the best possible way. His motto is “change the company or change the company”

Rastislav Duriš

Rasťo is a facilitator and organizational psychologist who specializes in the human side, Agile, and systematic approach to organizational development. He teaches leaders and teams self-management and decentralization. He brings global approaches to support organizational transformations to the Czech Republic, such as the Rocket Model of Teamwork, Management 3.0, Gamestorming, BetaCodex Network, Lean Change Management, and Liberating Structures. In his consulting and training practice, he most commonly collaborates with Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers.

Šimon Vlachynský

Šimon has been working as a Scrum Master for more than six years, both in Czech and international teams. He is the author of several internal company trainings, and at one time he was the organizer of “Scrum Erasmus” – exchange visits between companies to gain inspiration not only in the field of agile culture. He has experience with classic agile frameworks, onboarding new colleagues or setting product and team goals. He can clearly set and explain metrics in a way that helps with the progression of set goals. He approaches the work in a human way, while also being able to provide constructive advice for progress within the self-development framework.